Dubai Properties

Dubai Properties invited Brash to develop a brand strategy – and through a powerful brand idea, a confident look and feel, we re-affirmed Dubai Properties’ reputation of excellence and vibrancy in the region.


Dubai Properties Group wanted to segment its business operations and enable its sub-brands and businesses to have their own narrative and directions respectively. DP was created with its specific real estate agenda to bring, and to establish itself and carve its own identity through the Dubai competition. DP are actually the most significant land owners within Dubai and they needed to establish the scale and diversity of their portfolio to B2B and B2C audiences.


Dubai Holdings


Dubai, UAE


Brash understood the need of DP to have a brand that has stature and credibility, but also one that is doing so for the greater good of Dubai, linking to the mandates of Dubai, to enhance lifestyles. “Building Vibrant Lives” was a sentiment that captured this perfectly and established we build, and we create lifestyles and vibrancy. But most importantly the shift to focus on ‘destinations’ demonstrated that DP are the perveyors of vast masterplans, future thinkers and are core tot the success of how the city develops over the the next 25 years and beyond.

Dubai Properties
Dubai Properties
Dubai Properties
Dubai Properties
Dubai Properties
Dubai Properties

With confident look and feel, as well as a dynamic new brandmark – we re-affirmed Dubai Properties’ reputation of excellence and vibrancy in the region.