A challenger brand to cement the bank’s reputation in its forward-thinking and highly customer-centric approach

Insight - Innovation With A Purpose

With innovation at the forefront of the business, we saw a unique opportunity to channel and align initiatives directly with the needs of today’s customers; expecting direct and immediate communication and speedy  decision-making.


FGB (First Gulf Bank)


Abu Dhabi, UAE

Idea - Progress In Real Time

We developed a strategic platform that proactively opens up opportunities for customers and employees – and that puts fresh thinking into immediate action across its lending, saving or investment services. We generated energy and focus,  in recognition of the fact that growth is mutually beneficial for both the bank and its customers – and that speedy action and delivery is therefore essential.

Impact - Empowering Growth For All

Our rebranding programme touched every aspect of the business and consolidated all initiatives with a clear customer and employee centric proposition to accelerate growth. The identity work is expressive of a brand with  international ambitions, signalling a strong sense of movement and direction. The new brand has strengthened FGB’s position as one of the Region’s leading banks and one to be reckoned with in the international market.