Piramal Bain

A brand to celebrate a new world class Joint Venture - set up to promise a greater return, beyond profitability.

Insight - Getting Ahead of The Game

For several years, both Bain Capital Credit and Piramal Enterprises have been working in India. The Joint Venture was set up with the purpose to deliver something that neither of the two could achieve alone. By combining Piramal’s entrepreneurism and regional expertise with Bain Capital Credit’s global knowledge, this venture can instantly become market-leading.


Piramal Bain


Mumbai, India

Idea - A Purpose Driven Brand

As this is still a relatively new industry/sector for India, global stakeholders will get it but local stakeholders may struggle with the proposition and associate the brand with negative perceptions about standard private equity firms or distressed debt investing. The role of the brand is therefore to express its unique purpose in a clear manner – focus on the positive impact and redefine the sector.

Piramal Bain
Piramal Bain
Piramal Bain
Piramal Bain
Impact - Positive Impact For All

Through Research and Interviews Brash defined a purpose for the brand that unites the combined forces, something that can be uniquely delivered, is own-able and relevant to investors, banks & financial institutions, promotors and employees. We positioned Piramal Bain as a Positive Force and focussed on what positive impact can be derived from deep first hand knowledge, international abilities and local knowledge. The new brand is set to play a meaningful role not only in resolving over-leveraged capital structures in the country -but to also fuel growth into the economy and ultimately give back to society.